Blepharoplasty of the Lower Eyelid
June 15, 2017
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery for the Eyes, Eyelid Lift
While signs of aging show up all over the body, perhaps no place than the eyes can give away a person’s true age. In fact, for many people, the eyes can actually give a false age; making people look older than they truly are – something no man or woman wants. Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps to improve the appearance of tired, baggy eyes. This specific surgical procedure is done to address under eye bags, loose skin, and sagging tissue supporting the lower eye area. Dr. Hunter Moyer is a board certified plastic surgeon known for providing natural and long-lasting results when it comes to facial rejuvenation procedures. With blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid, you can restore your youth and regain confidence in your appearance.
Sagging, loose, and bulging skin of the lower eyelids can occur in both men and women, with men being slightly more prone to this cosmetic imperfection. As you age, tissues all over the body weaken and lose their elasticity. Underneath the eyes, the skin begins to sag. In some people, this loss of elasticity results in wrinkled skin, but in others fat deposits shift to the area below the eyes. With the loosened skin, the fat deposits that are normally confined to the area around the eyes moves and settles below the eyes. These pockets of loose skin can also accumulate fluid, and both of these symptoms cause the bulging pockets that many people acquire as they age.
Dr. Moyer likes to utilize the Transconjunctival Approach to lower eyelid blepharoplasty. This procedure involves the incision being made inside of the lower eyelid so that there are no external signs of surgery. This approach also allows the natural shape of the eyes to be better preserved. The fat pockets are removed from inside the lower eyelid and the skin is pinched to remove the excess bagginess.
If your eyes are saying more about you than you want them to, contact Hunter Moyer, MD, today to learn more about transforming facial rejuvenation procedures such as blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid. During your thorough consultation with Dr. Moyer, your goals and desires will be carefully considered, and Dr. Moyer will make the best recommendations for you. Dr. Moyer conveniently serves patients in two locations, Northside-Forsyth and Northside-Sandy Springs.
Posted on behalf of Dr. Hunter Moyer
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