More Men Taking Advantage of What Plastic Surgery Has to Offer

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One of the most exciting recent developments in plastic surgery has been the degree to which men have begun to embrace the possibilities of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures.  Since 2000, the number of plastic surgery procedures performed on men in the United States has increased by over 20%, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).  As the social stigma attached to male plastic surgery diminishes, men are coming to more readily opt to take advantage of what these procedures have to offer.

The majority of this increase in popularity is due to the increased use of non-invasive facial rejuvenation procedures.  Botox® Cosmetic injectable treatments, for example, can help alleviate many of the signs of facial aging, particularly the lines that develop between and above the brows and the crow’s feet that can accumulate at the edges of the eyes, by relaxing the facial muscles that cause wrinkling in the first place.  On the other hand, facial fillers like Juvéderm® and Restylane®, help restore the volume and youthful “plumpness” that gradually diminishes in the tissues of the face over the years.  Together, these quick and easy maintenance procedures can effectively counteract the damage caused by time and environmental factors, keeping your skin and face looking younger, longer.

However, the fascination with maintenance procedures doesn’t end with the non-invasive.  Over the past several years, men have been increasingly drawn to a number of surgical procedures designed to relieve tiny pockets of excess fat and tissue in areas that are either genetic or notoriously difficult to exercise.  Specifically, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and liposuction remain two of the top five most popular cosmetic procedures among men, and both are excellent ways to make those minor, subtle changes that can make a significant difference in the overall appearance.

If you have any questions about any of the treatments that I offer, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.  Additionally, Atlanta Plastic Surgery, P.C. provides a variety of options for financing, including Care Credit®, to assist you.  Don’t forget to connect with me, Dr. Hunter Moyer, on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic surgery news.

The History of Botox® Cosmetic

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No one can argue that the use of Botox® cosmetic to help alleviate the signs of facial aging has become incredibly popular.  In 2013 alone, over 6.3 million treatments were preformed in the United States with Botulinum Toxin Type A, the active ingredient in cosmetic injectables like Botox® and Dysport®, and that number continues to rise every year.  However, despite its incredible popularity, many don’t know the fascinating history behind the development of this extremely versatile facial rejuvenation procedure.

1820’s – Dr. Justinus Kerner studies a batch of improperly prepared blood sausages responsible for the death of several dozen Germans.  His experiments lead to a better understanding of the neurological symptoms of food-borne botulism (drooping eyelids, difficulty swallowing, muscle weakness, and if left untreated, paralysis and respiratory failure).

1890’s – While investigating an outbreak of botulism, Dr. Emile Pierre van Ermengem of Belgium is able to make a connection between botulism and a spore-forming bacterium he named Bacillus botulinus (later renamed Clostridium botulinum).

1953 – Physiologist Dr. Vernon Brooks discovers that injecting small amounts of botulinum toxin into a hyperactive muscle blocks the release of acetylcholine from motor nerve endings, causing temporary “relaxation” and reducing involuntary muscle spasms.

1978 – After several years of injecting botulinum toxin type A into monkeys in an attempt to discover if its muscle relaxing effects might help in the treatment of strabismus, or crossed eyes, Dr. Alan B. Scott receives FDA approval to inject tiny amounts of botulinum toxin into human volunteers.

1988 – The pharmaceutical company Allergan Inc. acquires the rights to distribute Scott’s batch of botulinum toxin type A, and begins conducting additional research.  Eventually, it is discovered that the drug can also provide patients with temporary relief from facial spasms, neck and shoulder spasms, and even vocal cord spasms.

1989 – The FDA approves botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of both strabismus (crossed eyes) and blepharospasm (spasms of the eyelid muscle).  Allergan introduces it to the market under the brand name Botox® Cosmetic.

1992 – After noticing that her blepharospasm patients were starting to lose their frown lines, Canadian ophthalmologist Dr. Jean Carruthers, and her dermatologist husband, publishes a study in the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology stating that though temporary, “treatment with C. botulinum-A exotoxin is a simple, safe procedure” for the treatment of brow wrinkles.

1997 – Botox® use increases so rapidly that the country’s supply is temporary exhausted until a new batch receives FDA approval.

2002 – FDA approves Botox® Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA), the same formulation as Botox®, for use in alleviating moderate to severe frown lines between the eye brows.

2004 – FDA approves Botox® for the treatment of severe underarm sweating that does not respond well to topical medicines.

2006 – Botox® sales soar past the $1 billion mark, with cosmetic uses accounting for about half of sales.

2010 – FDA approves Botox® therapy for increased muscle stiffness in elbow, wrist, and finger muscles with upper limb spasticity.   Later that year, Botox® becomes the first medicine to be approved by the FDA specifically for the prevention of headaches in adults who suffer from chronic migraines.

2014 – Botox® Cosmetic receives FDA approval for the temporary treatment of moderate to severe crow’s feet, also known as lateral canthal lines.

If you have any questions about Botox® cosmetic or are interested in any of the treatments that I offer, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.  Additionally, Atlanta Plastic Surgery, P.C. provides a variety of options for financing, including Care Credit®, to assist you.  Don’t forget to connect with me, Dr. Hunter Moyer, on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic surgery news.

Frequently Asked Questions about Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

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In the past year, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 1.6 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures were performed in the United States.  Nearly a third of those procedures were either breast augmentations or liposuction treatments.  However, despite their incredible popularity, many are still unclear as to what, exactly, these two procedures entail.  Specifically, many come into my office wondering if they are a good candidate or what they can expect during downtime.

Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation surgery involves using breast implants or fat to increase the size of the breasts or restore breast volume that has been lost after weight gain and loss, or pregnancy.  Breast augmentation is designed to increase fullness and projection of your breasts and can also improve the balance of the figure.

Am I a good candidate?  Breast augmentation is a very personal procedure and you should do it for yourself, not to please someone else.  Optimal candidates for breast augmentation surgery are physically healthy, have realistic expectations and breasts that are fully developed, and are dissatisfied with the size, shape, volume or symmetry of their breasts.

What can I expect from the recovery period?  After breast augmentation, the breasts will be wrapped in an elastic bandage or support bra to minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal.  Once you are evaluated and cleared to leave the hospital, you will be given specific instructions that include how to care for your breasts following surgery, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection, and when to follow-up with me.  You may be instructed to wear a support bra around the clock for the first week or two, and given other important post-operative care instructions.  Be sure to follow all instructions carefully in order to achieve the best possible breast augmentation results.  After a post-surgical recovery period of 24 to 48 hours, you will likely experience soreness and swelling for a few weeks and should reduce your level of activity accordingly.

Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body, such as the thighs, hips and buttocks, abdomen, waist, and back, by removing excess fat deposits that have proven resistant to diet and exercise and improving your body contours and proportion.  Liposuction can also be performed on small, precise areas like the upper arms, inner knee, calves and ankles, or even the cheeks, chin, and neck.

Am I a good candidate?  Ideal liposuction candidates are healthy adults within 30% of their ideal weight who have firm, elastic skin, good muscle tone, and no life-threatening medical conditions that can impair healing.  Because cigarette smoking can cause problems with blood flow and healing, non-smokers generally enjoy better results and a decreased risk of complications.

What can I expect from the recovery period?  Once your liposuction procedure has been completed, a compression garment may be used to cover the areas that have been treated.  These help to control swelling and compress the skin to your new body contours.  You will be given specific instructions on how to care for the surgical site, what medications you may need to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the potential for infection, any specific concerns to look for at the surgical site, and when to follow up with me.  Your final liposuction results may not be evident until the swelling has fully dissipated, a process that may take several weeks.

If you’re interested in any of the cosmetic procedures that I perform in Atlanta and Alpharetta, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.  I also provide a variety of options for financing, including Care Credit®, in order to assist you.  Don’t forget to connect with me, Dr. Hunter Moyer, on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic surgery news.

What Can Liposuction Do for You?

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Many people would like to look slimmer or more toned, and even if you exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet you may find yourself troubled by localized fat deposits that seem to cling to specific areas no matter what you do.  Often these areas of concern can be addressed with liposuction, a body contouring procedure that suctions out stubborn fat deposits and provides a more slender and shapely physique.

It is important to note that liposuction is not an effective treatment for obesity, nor is it a substitute for proper diet and exercise.  Liposuction does not have the ability to tighten skin that has been stretched by fat deposits or to remove cellulite, the dimpled skin that typically appears on the thighs, hips and buttocks.  In fact, the removal of fat deposits with liposuction can, in some cases, leave sagging skin behind, particularly in more mature patients whose skin has lost some of the elasticity of youth.

The abdomen is an area commonly treated with liposuction in both men and women, as it can stubbornly hold on to fat deposits and is notoriously difficult to exercise effectively.  When the body first begins to store fat, it does so in areas where it can do the most good, protecting and serving the nutritional needs of the vital organs in the abdomen.  Only then does it go on to store fat in the less vital areas, like the arms and legs.  However, when losing weight, the body more readily gives up fat cells in the less vital areas first and stubbornly holds on to fat in the vital core.  That’s why it can be so difficult to lose weight in the abdomen and hip areas.  Only once fat has been nearly eliminated from everywhere else in the body will the fat in the abdomen even begin to be released.

Liposuction can provide benefits to the extremities, such as the upper arms and thighs, as well.  Such procedures may sometimes require more than one treatment to achieve the desired results.  However, they are less invasive than procedures like arm and thigh lifts, and so produce less scarring and require less down time.  In some cases, fat can be removed, via fat transfer techniques, from the hips, flanks, or thighs, and then re-injected into areas that may require augmentation or greater definition, such as the buttocks or even areas of the face.

If you’re interested in liposuction or any of the other cosmetic or reconstructive procedures that I perform, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.  Atlanta Plastic Surgery, P.C. provides a variety of options for financing, including Care Credit®, in order to assist you.  Don’t forget to connect with me, Dr. Hunter Moyer, on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic surgery news.


Preventing Capsular Contracture with Acellular Dermal Matrices

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When any foreign object is introduced into the body, it is the body’s natural reaction to form a kind of coating, or “capsule,” of scar tissue around it.  In the case of breast implants used during either breast augmentation or breast reconstruction, this natural immune response can be helpful.  As long as the capsule remains soft, it helps to keep the implant stable and in the correct place.  Some implants are even equipped with a textured surface in order to facilitate this process.  At times, however, these capsules can become thick and hard, a phenomenon called capsular contracture.  When this occurs, the breast grows increasingly firm and rigid, eventually shrinking or taking on an abnormal shape and becoming extremely painful to the touch.  The most accurate estimates suggest that the condition occurs in somewhere between 9 percent and 15 percent of breast implant recipients, making it one of the most frequently occurring breast augmentation complications.

Once capsular contracture occurs, breast revision surgery is often performed to alleviate the symptoms.  During this procedure the breast implant is usually removed, along with the enclosing capsule or tissue, and replaced with a new implant in a slightly different location (below the muscle if the previous implant was above the muscle, for example).  While this does alleviate the problem in the short term, it does not guarantee that the capsular contracture will not recur, and so a great deal of research is being devoted to determining ways that capsular contracture can be prevented.

Recently, a growing number of studies have suggested that the rate of capsular contracture can be significantly reduced by placing an acellular dermal matrix (or ADM) between the implant and the natural breast tissue.  I have performed extensive research on this subject and effectively utilized this material in many breast enhancement procedures.  Originally developed as an alternative to skin grafting in burn patients, an acellular dermal matrix is composed of skin from which the cells have been removed, leaving behind a sterile framework or “lattice” of tissue that the patient’s own cells can grow into and eventually replace.  Ideally, this material allows the body to integrate itself into the surface of the implant as it heals, to create a natural and pliable connection rather than a thick capsule of scar tissue.

If you have any questions or are interested in a breast procedure that I offer, please contact us today to schedule a consultation. Connect with me, Dr. Hunter Moyer, on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic surgery news.


The Growing Popularity of Eyelid Surgery

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As the face ages, skin and tissue begin to lose their elasticity and start to sag, causing wrinkles and folds.  This can be particularly noticeable around the eyes, where sagging skin can make eyelids appear heavy and the eyes small, creating the appearance of boredom, disinterest, or general fatigue.  In some cases, the drooping eyelids can even impair vision by obstructing part of the visual field.  These concerns can be addressed with blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, which can improve the appearance of the eyes by creating a more aesthetically pleasing natural contour, or correct many functional issues that might arise.

Blepharoplasty trims the loose, sagging skin which creates folds and removes excess fatty deposits that can appear as puffiness in the eyelids or bags under the eyes.  Depending on each patient’s specific aesthetic goals, eyelid surgery can be performed on the upper and lower lids, either individually or in combination for maximum rejuvenation.  Additionally, many of the upper eyelid procedures that I perform can be done in my office in about an hour.  Eyelid surgery is considered a cosmetic facial procedure that can accomplish more than just subtle facial rejuvenation.  In fact, many younger patients are seeking out the procedure as well.

Statistics compiled by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveal that eyelid surgery has been steadily growing in popularity among patients under thirty for the past five years.  These patients have, presumably, experienced little of the sagging and loss of skin laxity that accompanies aging, but are still interested in the benefits that blepharoplasty can provide.  Some have speculated that this steady growth is, in part, the result of the rising popularity of blepharoplasty among younger patients of Asian descent who desire wider, more alert looking eyes that still maintain the subtle crease, downward-angled epicanthic fold, and flared outer edge that has been considered aesthetically pleasing.  Whether or not this is the case, it definitely seems clear that blepharoplasty can have wide ranging cosmetic results that go beyond merely minimizing the effects of aging.

If you’re interested in any of the cosmetic procedures that I perform in Atlanta and Alpharetta, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.  I also provide a variety of options for financing, including Care Credit®, in order to assist you.  Don’t forget to connect with me, Dr. Hunter Moyer, on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic surgery news.


Facelift Remains the Gold Standard in Facial Rejuvenation

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There are many options available today for facial rejuvenation, ranging from minimally-invasive skin resurfacing techniques and injectable cosmetics to surgical procedures like blepharoplasty and facial liposuction.  The most dramatic and long lasting results can still be achieved by a traditional facelift procedure, or rhytidectomy.  Statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons list facelifts as one of the five most commonly performed procedures in 2013, and their popularity continues to increase each year.  While many procedures may help delay the time at which a facelift becomes appropriate and complement the results of surgery, a traditional facelift can only be performed surgically; non-surgical rejuvenation treatments cannot achieve the same results.

A facelift procedure cannot radically change a person’s appearance or stop the aging process, but it can dramatically improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck.  Facelifts are designed to alleviate sagging in the mid-face and the deep creases below the lower eyelids or along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth.  They also can correct the loss of skin tone in the lower face that creates jowls and remove the excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw that can give even a person of normal weight the appearance of a double chin.  Many also choose to complement a facelift procedure with a neck lift or eyelid surgery in order to maximize their final results.

A full facelift procedure involves the removal of excess fat and skin, the tightening of underlying muscles, and the repositioning of the skin around the face and neck.  Traditionally, facelift incisions began in the hairline at the temples, continued around the ear, and ended in the lower scalp.  However, modern techniques allow for shorter incisions hidden in the natural creases of the face.  I also perform a special facelift technique, originally developed at Emory, which tightens and supports the strong suspensory ligaments deeper in the face, effectively prolonging the plastic surgery results.

If you’re interested in cosmetic or reconstructive procedures that I perform, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.  Don’t forget to connect with me, Dr. Hunter Moyer, on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic surgery news.

Natural Options for Body Contouring

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Men and women today are more health conscious than ever before.  Increased access to information and improved education have made people more aware of what they put into their bodies and, with increasing frequency, many are opting for natural, unprocessed ingredients and products.  For example, there are many people who may desire to improve their overall shape with different body contouring procedures, but may be wary of the idea of having a foreign object placed in their bodies.  Fortunately, several body contouring options exist that utilize more natural methods, such as your own body fat, to achieve completely natural and highly satisfying results.

Fat transfer has long been performed as a facial rejuvenation procedure to fill facial wrinkles and augment the cheeks, lips and other areas requiring volume restoration.  The Brazilian butt lift uses a similar technique to take fat that has been removed from your own body through liposuction while carefully purifying it, and then using it to increase the size, fullness, roundness and projection of the buttocks.  Moreover, the removal of excess fat in the areas around the site of the buttocks allows me to achieve a more defined contour, accentuating the curves that result.

I also perform breast lift (mastopexy) procedures using an auto-augmentation technique where the lower breast tissue is moved from underneath your breast and sutured higher up on your chest.  This not only lifts and firms the breasts, restoring them to a more youthful position, but also adds volume and fullness without the use of artificial implants.  The ideal candidate for breast auto augmentation already has enough breast volume to create the fullness desired without implants, so the results are determined by the amount of tissue available.  As a result, the final effect cannot be as pronounced or significant as the results that can be achieved with implants; however, breast auto augmentation can work well to rejuvenate deflated breasts certain women experience after significant weight loss.  Using only natural tissue taken from your own body also avoids the possibility of capsular contracture, a rare complication that can arise after breast augmentation surgery where the body forms excess scar tissue around the artificial implant, creating an overly firm and rigid breast texture.

If you’re interested in body contouring, cosmetic, or reconstructive procedures that I offer, please contact us today to schedule a consultation. Connect with me, Dr. Hunter Moyer, on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic surgery news.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

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As we get older, and the effects of time and gravity increasingly take their toll, muscle and skin begins to sag.  Our metabolisms slow and the fat that was once able to be burned off, is now seemingly impossible to get rid of.  As a result, the once-trim midsection of youth begins to grow and stretch.  Weight gain or pregnancy can cause the muscles in the abdomen to stretch and separate and, as a result, even losing weight can’t tighten that midsection despite our best efforts.  Fortunately, I perform cosmetic procedures like abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, to address specific abdominal concerns for my patients.

Abdominoplasty can help improve the appearance of the midsection, especially after significant weight gain or loss. It helps flatten the lower abdomen and tighten stretched skin and may also help relieve skin rashes or infections that happen under large flaps of skin.  Generally, I perform tummy tucks by creating an incision in the lower abdominal region that is easily hidden by underwear and bathing suits. Unwanted skin and fat are removed and the skin is tightened downward.  The shape and length of the incision are primarily determined by the amount of excess skin.  Once the abdominal skin is lifted, underlying weakened abdominal muscles are repaired.  Liposuction is performed on the flanks to further enhance the hourglass appearance and excess skin is trimmed and the remaining skin is sutured together while maintaining a natural navel appearance.

Tummy tuck results present a flatter, firmer abdominal contour that is more proportionate with your body type and weight.  During your recovery, dressings or bandages may be applied to the surgical sites, and you may be wrapped in a compression garment to minimize swelling and support your abdomen as it heals.  I always give my patients specific, post-operative instructions and always encourage them to ask any specific questions about what to expect during the recovery period.  Individual recovery times can vary significantly, but maintaining a good line of communication with me is the best way to reduce the risk of any complications arising from elective procedures.

If you’re interested in body contouring, cosmetic, or reconstructive procedures that I offer, please contact us today to schedule a consultation. Connect with me, Dr. Hunter Moyer on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic surgery news.

Recovering From Breast Reconstruction

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After a lumpectomy or mastectomy to remove breast cancer, many patients choose to undergo breast reconstruction, an elective surgery for women who desire to rebuild their breasts after breast cancer treatment.  Since each breast cancer patient’s journey is different, there are several reconstructive techniques to address the amount of remaining tissue, the severity of the cancer, and the patient’s body structure.  However, regardless of the particular form of reconstruction, all patients want to back to normal, healthy activities as soon as they possibly can.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Hunter Moyer performs a wide range of breast reconstruction techniques, taking into account each patient’s unique breast cancer journey and works to develop the most ideal recovery plan.  Each patient’s road to recovery is different.  The most important aspect of follow-up consultations is the ability to monitor the healing process and advise when an appropriate time is to re-introduce regular physical routines.

A TRAM flap procedure uses a part of the lower abdominal muscle, its blood vessels, and some abdominal fat to rebuild the breast, therefore recovery should be gradual.  Patients can generally start walking the next day, with expected tenderness and soreness at the surgical site.  Calf and deep breathing exercises for the first two to three days can assist in preventing blood clots.  Three to four days after surgery patients can begin arm rehabilitation exercises to reduce swelling and, once the drains are removed, can start stretching the chest and shoulders as well.  Regular walks during recovery have been shown to be beneficial, but patients should avoid all abdominal exercises until at least six weeks after surgery and then only with your surgeon’s approval.  Start slowly and gently while continuing your stretching exercises and walking or other low-intensity aerobic exercise.

The latissimus dorsi flap technique uses an oval section of muscle, skin, and fat from below the shoulder and behind the armpit to rebuild the breast.  Because this type of reconstruction affects the shoulder muscle, you should wait to start any gentle shoulder stretching until about two weeks after surgery, and for about three months after surgery to do any resistance/strength exercises.  If you have any shortness of breath, pain, or tightness in your chest, stop exercising immediately. Directly working with your surgeon to develop a plan of movements that are right for you is beneficial in minimizing adverse effects to newly constructed breasts.

DIEP flap breast reconstruction utilizes fat, skin, and blood vessels, but no muscle from the wall of the lower belly to rebuild the breast.  Because no muscle is used, most women may recover more quickly than a TRAM flap patient.  After DIEP flap surgery, recovery is similarly experienced as with TRAM flap surgery, although strength training can probably be resumed earlier, with approval.

There are a number of factors to be considered when planning the road to recovery for breast reconstruction patients.  Thoroughly discussing your progress and future steps is vital to ensuring the safest recovery possible.  If you are interested in discussing breast reconstruction options or your plan to recovery, please contact us today. Be sure to follow Dr. Moyer on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for the latest plastic surgery news.